From Solo Librarian to Virtual World Librarian

For the past five years I have been a solo librarian, working without a library assistant. It’s been like going back in time to the 1960s, when most school librarians just checked books in and out. This year our district reinstated that position, so I can take our library back to the 21st Century! Our library already looks fantastic–it’s straightened up most of the time, the books are all shelved, and I can help the students out while they’re looking for books.

In my quest to maintain professional connections during the past five years, I began using the virtual world of Second Life to network with other educators and librarians. This has evolved to the point that I’m heavily involved in publicizing education events in the virtual worlds of Second Life, Open Simulator, and Minecraft. I’m Beth Ghostraven in all of those worlds.

I’m still a school librarian in the physical world (RL, aka Real Life), and that job is very important to me, but I’m going to start using this blog to explore my experiences using virtual worlds in education. As a solo librarian, my posts were few and far between because my time was stretched so thin. I’m hoping to keep this updated more often.

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